Sunday, 4 November 2018


Dyslexia - In Greek language the term Dyslexia =dys +lexia where "dys" means difficult and "lexia " means reading.
In simple words, it's a disability that hinders a person's ability to read.
Dyslexia affected child may have difficulty with developing spellings and writing skills.

For a normal person, alphabets are used as a sort of code for communication, But,  a person with dyslexia cannot decipher the code because of some neurological complications.. He /she may not be able to read the same word with ease in the next paragraph.. After he/she read it in the first paragraph at one go.

This doesn't mean he /she can't read, but they face difficulty in recognizing the same word again and again.


Dysgraphia : difficulty in writing
Dyscalculia :difficulty with numbers and calculations
Dyslexia : difficulty in reading


This doesn't affect the intellectual and emotional growth of the person.

Children with this condition possess normal intelligence, curiousity .

Q. What parents and teachers can do?

A child with dyslexia shouldn't be considered stupid or lazy .
( how in Taare zameen par movie kid who was suffering from dyslexia treated by his father )
His/her problem should be identified and should be supported accordingly.
According to psychologists, dyslexia is present at birth but come to light only when a child starts reading.
Teachers and parents should work together to identify this issue and provide person with moral support..can help them to deal with this condition.
As every person is born with some or the other talent.. Parents and teachers can identify the Child's area of interest ( like sports,  art and other  creative skills) and should encourage them to pursue their interest.

Q.what If this condition not identified?
In this competitive world, Every parent want their ward to excel in studies.. Being  in the teaching, I come across many parents who wants their child to pursue medicine, IIT, AIEEE.. management..etc..
Every person have different grasping power. .

A person with dyslexia may be left behind in this competitive world ( competition starting from primary).. And parents not able identify this condition in their ward.. May start treating him/her stupid ,lazy and reluctant to study.. But this may not be the case.. He/she may try to study.. But this condition.. May not allow to do so.

Undetected and unsupported disabilities can push child into becoming reclusive, dropping out of school or college, resorting to petty crimes, theft, and other anti social activities.

So, it's our duty as a parent and teachers to support them to identify their area of interest and encourage them to excel in that.
As every person is born with some or the other hidden talent.. May not in studies.. But can excel in sports, arts,..etc.