Saturday 13 July 2024

Power lies in Acceptance!

Why do we tend to feel bad when our loved ones behaviour is changed?

Actually why we should expect anything from anyone ?

Accepting the changing world around you  will keep you happy..not only happy but happier and happiest.

This space is the place where I can express freely what I feel ...may be after a period I may think that these emotions what all going on inside right now are worthless.

Sanjana and her Brother's Relationship was always a roller coaster one.

Her Brother's 
*Never took any stand for her.
*Fought often 
*Beat her in any of the fights 
*Elder never took a pride in calling her sister during school days and always stayed away so that his friends should not see that he have brother and sister in the same school.
*She can never rely on them.
*कभी छाती ठीक कर न कह सकती की मेरे भाई मेरे लिए खड़े रहेंगे 
* When I was caught by traffic police for not wearing helmet I called elder what to do ...he asked me to deal things on my own ..and ofcourse I did it ..
*Couldn't even ask youngest to talk politely.

Just don't remember a time when we three sat together and they talked to me politely.
It was their behaviour before their marriages...but after they got married they cahnges suddenly and pampers their wives ..seeing that why am I feeling bad ...she is someone's daughter the way I am ..she has all the rights to be loved and taken care by their husbands..I am not at all jealous ..I am seriously very happy but still somewhere in deep of my heart It hurts.

As a Sister can't even afford to have a polite behaviour from them.

She don't have any right to tell them anything..she can scold her father not brothers.

I know them from the very beginning..we have grew together then I am feeling bad now a days.

I must not be feeling so ...I am very very happy for them seriously.

May god bless them with abundant love and happiness but it hurts somewhere in deep.