Wednesday 23 March 2016

Vulture Restaurant

Have  you ever heard of vulture restaurants???
     Until i came across this topic i never heard of any kind of vulture  restaurants.As i am a foodie person who goes to different restaurants very often when i heard of vulture restaurant once thought it as a new place to be tried
 But when i read on this ..couldn't stop laughing at myself.
ok..lets go in detail that what is it n all??

Q.what is a vulture ?
 Vulture is a scavanger bird that feeds on dead carcasses.
Q.why its population declining?
  farmers use diclofenac drug for cattle,which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
 vultures eat such dead cattle which were given this drug and kidney of vulture fails due to diclofenac and it dies.It affects vulture population.
IUCN status of vulture :critically endangered.
Therefore,activists have started vulture restaurants in Africa,India,Pakistan,Nepal n other countries.
Q.what is a Vulture restaurants n how it functions???
farmers send dead cattle ,staff examines then carcasses left in open field for vultures.
This is a kind of in-situ conservation.
This step by activists is to increase population of vulture which is dieing due to scarcity of food availability.

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