Tuesday 24 July 2018

Sophia- A Celebrity in AI

This was the  picture of Sophia , I saw for the very first time  while going through the news feeds.
For a moment i thought her to be a human ,as she was beautifully draped in a saree (when she visited India for Tech-fest of IIT  Bombay in Dec 2017,this was her first visit to India).

I thought her to be some celebrity invited for the fest..But,she is no less than a celebrity in the field of Artificial Intelligence(AI).

Q. Who is She ?? And what is this AI??

Sophia ,is the first social humanoid robot,resembling the British actress "Audrey Hepburn".
she was created by the "Hanson Robotics"which is based in Hong Kong.

Sophia was activated on April 19,2015 and made her first public appearance at south-west festival (SXSW) in Texas,USA.

Recently,she was awarded  with the citizenship of Saudi Arabia..the first robot to be given legal personhood anywhere in the world.

The Aim to create her was to help elderly people and assist at large gatherings in the park or at major events.

Sophia ,the robot is fitted with  cameras and micro-phones which work with AI software that allows her to make an eye contact , recognize people  and even speak to them.

she can imitate human gestures and facial expressions and can answer on predefined topics(topics which are defined in her system).

sophia has seven robot humanoid "siblings" who are also created by her parent company..i.e Hanson Robotics.
link below is sophia's speech at IIT Bombay :


Q. what is Artificial Intelligence?

AI is "The science and Engineering of making machines,especially intelligent computer programs"

AI enables machines to act,behave like humans. It analyzes human Behaviour in order to solve a problem and make a decision.

AI embeds the ability to work,learn and decide in machines,software and systems so that they can respond smartly in various situations.   
There is now much progress ,scope in AI field ...time is not so far when we will be seeing that much of the human work is done by robots..i.e more automation.

Below is the link of Robot Restaurant in coimbatore,Tamil Nadu


  1. Thanq Sonu Chouhan ji for posting about Sophia... u perfectly described her- " no less than a celebrity"...
    Keep posting more articles of this kind

  2. WOW...Where are we headed? It is great to know technology is advancing but scary that we will be living with robots.She looks like a human.

  3. Artificial Intelligence is quickly taking over and replacing humans in all fields, from weaponry to care giving to modern technically complex surgical interventions. It seems quite heartening that there will be less pace for human error with machines and robots.

  4. Technology is giving so much to us...surprised to read 7 siblings of a robot!! keep sharing such informative posts!!

  5. Artificial intelligence can do wonders if used properly and Sophia is a great example. This is such a great initiative to help elderly people.

  6. Oh even I had the opportunity to see her at IIT Bombay. It was like witnessing a miracle. Such a wonder she is.

  7. In the future years Sophia will be regarded as the first example of human intelligence. In near future we may need such humanrobots for many more occasions.

  8. I'm actually completely unaware about this humanoid robot. I'm quite wary of overreaching reliance on technology but it is good to know about the latest developments.
    Noor Anand Chawla
