Tuesday 6 August 2019

Deenabandhu -friend of a poor man

Recently I saw a movie of 1982..called "Gandhi "
In that movie I was attracted to a character called as Charlie.. He was a close associate of Gandhi..

In reality.. It was Charles freer Andrews.. Who was given a title as.. "Christ faithful apostle " by Gandhi.

Who was C. F Andrews??

He was a Britisher.

  Yes ..you all read it right.  He was a Britisher..
He was a priest in church of England.. He came to India as a Christian missionary.  Educator (he thought at Stephens college, Delhi) and a social reformer... Who was inspired by Gandhi's principles of ahimsa.. Satyagraha..

It is said that he visited Gandhi in South Africa.. On the insistence of gopal Krishna gokhale. Who is known as political guru of Gandhi( He was immensely inspired by Gandhi's principles.. ).

He was instrumental in convincing Gandhi to return back to India from South Africa.

When gopal Krishna gokhale.. Asked Gandhi to take a tour of India... So that he can understand the situation of Indians.. Charles accompanied.. Kasturba Gandhi and mohandas karamchand Gandhi..
He called kasturba Gandhi as Ba. ..which means mother in Gujarati.

But soon Gandhi asked him to go back to England and write from there about the situation of Indians.

He was one such hero who was lost in history.. I never knew anything about him.. Like him there were many people who dedicated there lives.. And adopted Gandhi's principles.. One such was Mira behn and Charles f. Andrew.

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