Wednesday 29 January 2020

Mountains Inside Us!

In the modern world,as more and more people face stress, loneliness, depression and mental breakdowns.
So,mental health becomes the important topic to be discussed and spread the awareness regarding mental health.
A person may look fit from outside but inside he/she may be fighting some inner battle.

What is Depression? 
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
It affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.
Depression is generally associated with desolation, perpetual sadness and restlessness.
Doctor’s say depression is the denouement of a combination of factors like over-expectation from parents, friends and self,  an unusual dependence on technology and friendship and an inability to handle setbacks.
Does every mood swing is a sign of depression? 
No .
Not every mood swing is a  sign of depression.
Generally, Depressed people exhibit reduced interest in things that cause happiness.
Genetic Basis :
Research has revealed that the genetic basis of depression overlaps significantly with that of other psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia .
Few Symptoms of Depression :
  • feelings of sadness, tearfulness,emptiness or hopeless ness .
-Angry outbursts, frustration even in small matters.
  • frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts of suicide.
  • feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures of self blame.
  • Anxiety, agitation or restlessness.
-Tiredness and lack of energy, even small tasks take efforts.
-Developing insomniac.
For many people with depression symptoms are severe enough to be noticeable.
Some may feel miserable or unhappy without really knowing why.
They may have mood swings through out day, they may be happy at one moment ,sad at the next.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO),
globally ,more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression.
More women are affected by depression than men.
How to deal with it? 
As not all mood swing is a depression,But continuous fall in mental health may lead to it.
After my failed attempts at UPSC,i felt such mood my parents suggested me take a break from preparation and work on things I like.
I was not under depression.. But continuous feeling of guilt, unworthiness might throw you into depressed state.
I kept myself busy by reading books which can help me to overcome such mood swings.
I felt I was not under depression but may be on  the verge of falling into it.
Two things helped me to deal with such swings :
They are
First is Books :
  1. Man’s search for meaning in life by Vector.E.Frankl
  2. Life is what you make it by preeti shenoy.
3.The power of your subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy.
4.Zen and the Art of Happiness by Chris Prentiss.
Second is
Talking to my mother, this helped me a lot. She listened to me patiently .
Lending an ear to your loved ones may help them to overcome their inner battle.
For different people different things may,instead of judging one can help them to fight their inner battles.
As every human carries “Mountains inside them ”


  1. This is one of the least talked about topics. Glad you are spreading more info and awareness through your posts

  2. Books really help to calm our thoughts and gives us a reason to stay busy. It helps to keep the negativity out of the box.

  3. Sometimes, we don't know what is happening within us. But sometimes doesn't seem right, feel right. And that time, if we get the correct guidance, it can take our life towards a better road.

  4. Yes many times other mental symptoms seem like depression but they are not. making a correct diagnosis is must to avoid confusion. thanks for sharing wonderful list of books. will be helpful for many who are going through rough phase.

  5. Dukh ka pahaad as they say in Hindi. I am so glad you didn't fall into this hellish pit of depression. I have been suffering since 37 years. But my depression is post natal depression that became chronic.

  6. Good that you identified your feelings and started talking to your mom about it. Books indeed help a lot.

  7. It's so important to talk if you are having this feeling of depression and happy that you spoke about it!!

  8. Depression or other mental conditions are something that people don't tak about or even take the help of a professional to identify and solve. Good that you have shared light on it.

  9. Sometimes we know something is not right but we cannot make it what. Glad your parents are good observer and asked you to take a break. Yes books can create a magic and uplift person mood and courage.

  10. This is quite an insightful post that everyone should read and get informed. Love the detailing about depression and it's details

  11. Depression can hit any person At any given point of time and you may not even be aware of it to begin with. But the person who is going through should open up and the person or the family around him or her should also be available to give support and listen them out.

  12. I'm glad we are now into a phase where people seek help for mental health and people have changed to be compassionate to help one another. These are my favorite books

