Saturday 13 August 2022

Life - why can't you be so simple??

Simple ..
Why can't life be so simple 
As the way we expect
Why we have to face so much of turns in life 
Making it complicated
Why can't you be so simple ??

Why can't life be so simple
If it would have been so 
There would not have been any complications

May be if it would have been so simple
There would not have any pain inside
No place for pain deep inside

May be if it would been so simple
Every one might have felt lighter

May be if it would have been so simple
Everyone might be at peace !!

‘This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D'silva and Noor Anand Chawla


  1. Don't we all wish that. But that is life. We learn from our mistakes and try and move on.

    1. I wish It could be but it is, Let us go with the flow.

  2. Really me too was thinking the same yesterday that why our lives can't be simple....and sometimes it's so difficult to bear the pain, stress and difficulty it throws to us...but what to do that's the reality....ruk Jana nahi tu kahin haar ke...I listen to this song whenever it's too much to keep inside me.

  3. Every person thinks about this atleast once a day. What is frustrating is even after asking this question to ourselves we really have no actual answer for it. So we just have to love through it all.

  4. I wish, but sometimes I feel if it was simple we would not have learnt many things because life got difficult we are who we are today.

  5. Aahhh.....if only life was simple!

  6. Simple would be a tad boring. Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes it gets overwhelming but there is always a lesson there.

  7. simple post with a simple message :) Nice share!

  8. Very beautifully penned this poem, dear. We all want life to be simpler, but we also don't want to give up our options or capabilities. There is always a lesson in every situation.
    - Anjali

  9. This is something most want to ponder about. The sooner one accepts that life won't be easy and would always be difficult if you simply procrastinate about everything, the better you'll feel about life in general. There's much more to be grateful about life than focusing on how hard it is to live.-MommyWithAGoal (Jeannine)

  10. Only if life were simple... nice thought Sonu.. I guess all of us has struggled with this thought at one point or the other. Alas... it isn't!

  11. We all have this question in mind sometime during the day or in the flow. You have captured the thoughts so well in the poem.

  12. I might be wrong but simple life would be kind of boring, no? How would we even know that it's good if we never experience anything bad?

  13. I could not agree more with you on above poem. Life is never be simple or may be we are the one who create it complex....

  14. Oh I wish it was, but as Buddha said, we create what we think. We can still aim toward thinking simple.

  15. We all ask this question but simple life could be boring and monotonous. You know know good only if you experience bad.. Rt?

  16. Actually, simple would be dreary and dull. My life has seen more than normal downs than ups. But I feel that it has made me grow as a person and learn a lot from life this way.

  17. We all same question in our mind running amok

  18. So true, You write wonderful poems. And last line "Everyone would have been at peace" its so much required these days specially we don't have this one thing in life "PEACE"

  19. We expect too many things in life and that were we make mistake. Life is unpredictable and we need to accept it the way it comes with positivity

  20. It seems like you were going through a tough time while writing this poem. I do hope things are better now.
