Thursday 9 February 2023


Image source : @dreamerscreed on Instagram.

Now a day life seems to be stagnant.
It's not there is no work. ..lot of work at the workplace as well as at home ..
Don't know life seems to be going nowhere.
Such situations brings me back to the thought that this the kind of life i wanted it for myself ?
What do I want from life ?
What to do so that this kind of stagnant stage doesn't come in life or arrive in life again ??

I tried to self interogate to find out what am i doing with life ?
Am i doing the things which has always given me the happiness, satisfaction i always carved for. 

Asked myself few questions
Am i reading books every day ?
Am i giving my "ME" time ??
Am i sitting quietly n enjoying the moment?when was the last when i sat holding tea cup in the hand and observed the moments of leaves?
When was the last time when i enjoyed the view of clear sky ?
When was the last time i was doing nothing?
When was the last time when i observed dogs playing ?
Birds chirping?
When ??

When  was that last time ?

Am i the only one who is facing this kind of stagnant phase ??
Does others also face such situations in life ?

This story is written for the season 3 of #storytellersbloghop, hosted by Ujjwal Mishra and Meenalsonal


  1. Yes Sonu.. I also think. Even yesterday I was also thinking what I am doing with myself. I should give tym to myself..

  2. I am facing just the opposite. I have been alone since 18 years and I try to do as much as possible but still there is lots of time and i get frustrated.

    1. Harjeetji, where do you live, If by any chance you are in Delhi, would you mind me visiting you at times :-)

  3. Self love and spending time with self is very much essential but then it's human nature to seek company. Yes , we all go through such phases and it is suffocating many a times !

  4. Self care and self love, I think all of us neglect ourselves at some time. And then, we begin to question ourselves. All of us go through this phase to remind us that we need to love ourselves first.

  5. Self love is very important otherwise you will find yourself regretting any decision you made for yourself. Hope things work out for you.

  6. Self love is so important. Only when we take care of ourselves can we do the same for everyone around us.

  7. self-love is the most ignored form of love. It is good you wrote about it

  8. You probably echoed what most of us feel. Are we living our lives for ourselves or for others? Are we doing things that make us happy or only others? I guess we all should be a little selfish and shower ourselves with all the love and attention which we give others.

  9. Self-love and self-care for me personally are very important because they are essential components of overall well-being and mental health. I am glad you wrote about this concept in the theme of love.

  10. I think most of us go through that phase, where we are busy all the time but seem to not be having the contentment that work should give. Taking out me time and reprioritizing my goals helped me.

  11. I wish you could have written some more lines portraying how you are falling in love with yourself. I believe no other love is more beautiful than self-love. You have described the points very nicely. Beauty of simple things that make life more meaningful. - Swarnali

  12. I liked this piece because it beautifully captures the feeling of stagnancy that many of us experience in our lives. Your introspective questions makes us reflect on our own lives and question whether we are truly living the life we want. The simple yet powerful imagery of observing the moments of leaves, clear skies, dogs playing, and birds chirping remind us to take a step back and enjoy the little things in life. The final questions about whether others face the same stagnant phase make us feel less alone in our struggles. Overall, this poem is a reminder to live intentionally and find joy in the present moment.

  13. It's so important to have some me time and self love, I really loved the way you have shared this over here.

  14. Relationship with oneself is the first step into a peaceful and happy life. Loved how you have depicted it deftly

  15. Self love is what we need to turn to often when everything falls just our opposite. Good one

  16. You wont believe I was like I was reading my life story. Short , crisp and full of reality in your fiction.

  17. Yes, we all get these thoughts every now and then. The feeling of inadequacy or stagnation. It's a good idea to take a break. Sometimes taking a step back from your work or routine can help you gain a new perspective and approach things with fresh eyes.

  18. Self love is really important. These days I too ask myself the same.

  19. I would say that's quite an observation but it's good that you have realized this. It means that now you can bring the changes to move in the direction that would give you more happiness and this feeling of stagnation would fade away. Just remember you are not alone.

  20. I feel all of us does go through this kind of feeling but once the self realization happens this phase also passes by. Quality time doing quality work does help.

  21. We're so involved in our routine and responsibilities that often the things that make us happy are forgotten. The fact that you realised it means you can do it now!

  22. Many times in life we all come across situations when we either end up doing the same monotonous work or doing nothing. That's why one should always take out some time for the things we love to do.

  23. This is the same thing I think about each day. Taking time for things we love definitely helps make the situation of stagnation better

  24. Self-love does matter for the sake of people who look up to you for everything. We as women ignore this aspect of life and face this crisis many times :)

  25. Self love is the most important kind of love. We tend to ignore it with all the responsibilities in life, but your post serves as a reminder to take care of self.

  26. It's like that for a lot of people. In the race to growth and success or even trying to fulfil our desires, we forget the most important thing i.e to live in the moment.

  27. Every once in a while we are rummaged by these same thoughts- like everything is in a vacuum.

  28. Self love is something most women struggle with. Glad you highlighted it through your writing. I do feel the writing could be more structured for a smoother flow of words 🙌🏽 congratulations on creating a relatable piece ❤️

  29. Humans long for love and connection. In an effort to connect we look for external love. Thanks for writing about the purest form of love. You will discover that if you are true to your self, external love and relationships automatically get enhanced.

  30. Thought provoking kind of read! Self love is essential and it makes us more stronger and viable in the mad mad world out there.

  31. Its such and amazing shade of love- Self Love, I found it late, quite late. After some 5 years of having second child, in my initial thirties. It's as important as any other love. It is not being selfish, It's just that - how can one serve with an empty cup, one needs to fill the cup first to serve others.

  32. I guess one of the most important and ignored shade of love is 'Self Love'. There are many days when loathes what he/she does in life questioning if they are living what they dreamt their life to be! In such scenarios, I believe, it is best to take a pause from whatever you do, meditate and write down your goals. Take a mini-vacation, travel and relish the beauty of life and bring back the sanity in our minds. Once we conquer our mind, self love through allowing us to heal, form new habits, are all possible. Slowly, the ignorant self can become a conscious self radiating love and happiness from within. Wonderful lines, had a lovely time reading and introspecting.

  33. Yes. Sometimes life seems same to me. Can relate it with my life. Well written dear.
