Saturday 13 August 2022


Happy Teej to every one ..
I am writing this post as it's Teej today ..most celebrated festival of rajasthan..i don't know whether it's celebrated in other states or not.
Yes, ofcourse people of rajasthan who are settled in different states celebrate it with the same enthusiasm.
I never did this fast before marriage...and to be Frank never took interest in it ..what is this festival??or why is it celebrated?? Etc etc i never took any interest.
But after marriage this  is my second Teej ..and first time i am celebrating it with my husband.
They say it's a festival of lord parvati and Shiva's love .
Ardhanarishwar's love !!
So on this day ..what makes its special..

Your life partner's little efforts ..mehandi lagana aapke haatho mein ,aapko khilana (as i was asked by my mother in law to get up n eat something @4am ..she prepared and then called me ...but i was reluctant to get up and eat so early and i seriously didn't find the logic in getting up early and we will be hungry when we have to ), hugs,pamperings,..many such little efforts matter ..and that can make a day for a women.

This festival brings lot of excitement and energy..which might be disturbed by some of the events that unfolds in our surroundings.

But he can have the magic like a magic man make the environment happy happy .

So guys enjoy this festyof love with your loved one ..get pampered and kepp loving ...keep flourishing..much love to all of my readers .

Life - why can't you be so simple??

Simple ..
Why can't life be so simple 
As the way we expect
Why we have to face so much of turns in life 
Making it complicated
Why can't you be so simple ??

Why can't life be so simple
If it would have been so 
There would not have been any complications

May be if it would have been so simple
There would not have any pain inside
No place for pain deep inside

May be if it would been so simple
Every one might have felt lighter

May be if it would have been so simple
Everyone might be at peace !!

‘This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D'silva and Noor Anand Chawla

Thursday 11 August 2022


सब के आसपास होते हुए भी 
हूं में अकेली

क्या इसी लिए थामी थी
तेरी हथेली

जब होते हो तुम आसपास
कैसे होती हु में चहकी हुईं

जब नही होते  हो आसपास
तो हो जाती हूं में सहमी सी अकेली सी

क्या थामा था हाथ तेरा 
इसीलिए की

छोड़ जाए तू मुझे अकेली सी

क्यों लगता हैं अकेलापन
तुझ बिन

सोचती हूं कई बार में
क्यों आई तेरी में बातों में

क्यों आई में तेरी बातों में 
रह रही हूं तेरी यादों में

होता हैं इंतजार तेरे आने का

क्या गुजर जायेगी जिंदगी ऐसे ही
 तेरे इंतजार में

क्यों होती हूं में अकेली

कहती हूं में सभी से
मत लगाना मन किसी से

अच्छे हो जैसे हो

रह न पाओगे चाह कर किसी को

joint family and women!!

Do joint family system beneficial for a women?
I am not talking here about daughters of the family but so called Bahu's of the family.
Are they equally happy as daughter of the house ?

I don't like joint family as a Bahu but love to be a part as a daughter.

Indian societ theoretically says that daughter in law(DIL)is like daughter but are they really the daughter of the house ??

DIL should be
* In the kitchen whole day in the kitchen.. fulfilling the wishes of the house members.
*Daughter in law have to  get up early and prepare in the morning as she is healthy and can't let her body fall ill ..she is
*She can't say anything if her mother in law ..the lord of the house is wrong.
*She can't even say her MIL that it slipped her mind (about whatever she might have said earlier..may be any work)
*DIL must remember and do whatever work was said to her.
*She have to get up even when she don't feel like ..and cook for everyone.
*If she gets up late ..7'o clock then she will be asked what's the time? You get up every day early for your office.

All the above happens in a small father in law, mother in law , husband n DIL

Then think 
What will be the situation of her in joint family.
She will be forgetting..or made to forget what a life is ?? 
She will be made to feel that she is born to work as a servant..her whole life.

Having no time for herself but having lot of jewellery..bahu is decorated with kilos of enough for her ??
Will it be giving her satisfaction of her life ??

We might have heard from man of the houses ..our husbands..that they wants to live in a joint family..have they imagined what will be the condition of his wife ??
He might get whatever he wants ...will not be asked to do any household chores.

Bahu's are meant for it .They are married to get wives who just have to serve the in law family..she may not have any want of staying with her husband if he is working in some other city.

Do they really have a hum saath saath hain wali life ??
Aren't they dying inside every day ??
Can't say their parents ..can't leave everything and go to them as they will be like log kya kahenge??