Wednesday 23 March 2016

water is life..a universal truth!!

As yesterday was the water day.. So thought of writing down something on water.
 lets go through a story which shows how water is life?
 one day few friends,all of them related to science were sitting in one of the friends lawn n discussing on the research paper which published that earth will be facing water scarcity in d coming decade..r soon. After discussion all of them left fr der home..only prof.deepesh was sitting in his lawn n was looking at d sky.. He saw sme star like thing... Bt was shocked by finding it not to be a star but something like a craft.. He thought it as an ufo.. And very soon he got in to the house and ranged up his friend, collegue prof.Ramakrishna who was working on life on other,by listening to prof.deepesh he was not shocked.
  Next day he decided to sit in deepesh lawn n wait for an ufo about which his friend has told him. His time was not wasted and both of them saw an ufo passing but they were shocked by seeing it as it stopped in the lawn(at which they were sitting).
 when they went nearer to it they were shocked to see human kind of creature coming out of it,which proved there imagination of other planets creatures wrong. One of them said them hello and said that we are from your neighbour planet which is 1 light year away from the earth.
 Both prof.deepesh and prof Ramakrishna were shocked after listening them as they were talking like us.. Both of them together asked them why are you on planet earth?  r u here to destroy it?destroy humans?
They replied.. That we are on a Misson.
Prof.deepesh asked: what mission?
They said that water on there planet got contaminated with the poisonous chemicals..and many of their people are dying.. So,to protect them  they are on the earth to take water by a special vehicle to their planet.. And said they are very sorry for there act.within few minutes there craft disappeared from these two friends eyes.
They left with a message left on the ground... What was written on it is an important  message for the humans on the earth.. Message was..keep your waterbodies clean.. Protect them from getting poisonous like our's.. So,that later u don't need to become water thiefs like us.... Paanichor bannaa na pade...aap logo ko.

After writing i really felt something like this happens in reality so that people of the earth understands the value water.

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